Electronics and me
I’ve had a group of bad experience build electronics circuits
in the early 1990:
- I a build a few circuits from a beginner electronic books
path: assets/images/DSE_funway_vol1.jpg alt: “Dick Smith Electronics Fun Way into Electronics Vol. 1”
path: assets/images/DSE_funway_vol2.jpg alt: “Dick Smith Electronics Fun Way into Electronics Vol. 2”
- At highschool i want to join electronic club, but the clubs teacher killed that dream.
A few years ago: I relooked at getting back into electronics with the arduino starter kit, the LED lights requirements (polarity, resistors) killed it again for me.
PS: I never wanted to learn how to solder, the conductive paint looked like my best option. PSS: I was also looking making my own printed circuit boards (PCB), I found heat-transfer method I also found conductive ink pen that could use in my pen plotter
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